Building A Rewards Program For Your Fashion Startup
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Building A Rewards Program For Your Fashion Startup

It’s never too early to start building a rewards program for your fashion startup. If you begin right away, chances are you’ll win the loyalty of your early customers that will build a strong foundation for your growth and expansion. Here’s how to get that loyalty program started. Let’s dive in.

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Can Generative AI Solve Virtual Clothing Try-Ons?
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Can Generative AI Solve Virtual Clothing Try-Ons?

Google is trying to revolutionize online shopping with its groundbreaking Generative AI virtual try-on feature. Say goodbye to uncertainty and hello to a diverse, inclusive, and incredibly realistic shopping experience. Here’s why it could reshape the way we shop for clothing online.

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Reboot Your Fashion Marketing Mindset
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Reboot Your Fashion Marketing Mindset

No matter how great the concept for your new fashion brand is, if you don’t market it strategically, it may go unseen and unsold. It’s important to review the essential core principles behind a successful marketing strategy. Here’s how to elevate your brand IQ and pave the path to growth.

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